SWRLVisit Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SWRLVisit.h


A SWRLVisit object encapsulates information about places that the user has been. Visit objects are created by the framework and delivered by the SWRLVisitManager object to its delegate after it receives relevant signal events from other managers running within the framework. It monitors the SWRLBeaconManagerDelegate, the SWRLWifiManagerDelegate and the SWRLRegionManagerDelegate for events related to locations and translates those events into logical visit events.

The visit includes the location where the visit occurred and information about the arrival and departure times as relevant. You do not create visit objects directly, nor should you subclass a SWRLVisit. You receive these objects by receiving delegate callbacks from the SWRLVisitManager. See SWRLVisitManagerDelegate.

Visit objects contain as much information about the visit as possible but may not always include both the arrival and departure times. For example, when the user arrives at a location, the system may send an event with only an arrival time. When the user departs a location, the event can contain both the arrival time (if your app was monitoring visits prior to the user’s arrival) and the departure time.

Accessing Location


The Location of the visit.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) SWRLLocation *location

Declared In



The date of the most recent enter or distantPast if not entered.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *arrivalDate

Declared In



The date of the most recent exit or distantFuture if not yet exited

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDate *departureDate

Declared In



The accumulated dwell across potentially multiple enters and exits

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval dwellTime

Declared In



The total elapsed time since the first enter until now or the last exit time

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval elapsedTime

Declared In



The time of the first enter

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval firstEnter

Declared In
